In research conducted in 2020 and 2021, AIGA found that new technologies are emerging that will have an impact on the profession. Being cognizant of the future and emerging trends has never been more critical, and not only for the design community but design-centered organizations.
What we found—new technologies such as AI/machine learning (49%), augmented reality/virtual reality (38%), collaborative design software (33%), online behavior tracking/modeling (28%); and telepresence/virtual workplaces (25%) are top emerging trends that will potentially have the biggest impact on the profession.
Respondents also believe the industry will become increasingly digital, mobile, and interactive as well as multifaceted, with designers needing a more diverse set of skills.
AIGA can help organizations lead, innovate, and be future forward with customized solutions.
New AIGA Learning Solutions for organizations include:
- In-company certificates for creatives (or bulk purchases of the certificates in the AIGA learning catalog).
- AIGA Future ForwardTM and the AIGA Better Workplaces for DesignersTM assessments.
- AIGA speakers/trainers bureau. Let AIGA help you organize your internal learning needs.
Learn how AIGA can help
AIGA can help you stay on top of new learning and professional development opportunities for your organization.
Learning Solutions & Options
Explore how AIGA’s Learning Solutions can be customized to your organization’s unique needs such as:
- Professional Development opportunities such as bulk certificate purchases
- Custom learning solutions
- Training solutions
- Assessments for Culture, DEIA, Design Forward which are grounded in the AIGA Design POV findings
- Speakers Series; if your organization is interested in a speaker series, AIGA can provide assistance with our background and experience in implementing professional development programs
- Opportunities to sponsor research for the Design community such as AIGA Design POV research initiative and other research endeavors
- Sponsorship for AIGA Learning Circles (exclusive online learning community for AIGA members to be launched in 2022)
- Courses and certificates scholarships, which can be sponsored for your company, to build awareness
- Help advance the design profession by sponsoring our professional certification program to start being developed in 2022
Partner with AIGA
Interested in partnering with AIGA or in joining our speakers bureau, please contact us for more information.
Contact UsLearning Solutions to Benefit Your Company
AIGA thought leaders can provide information on the state of the industry, current and future, and help companies to navigate this new space.
The Design POV research initiative aims to provide a deeper understanding of the design industry, to not only reveal but to broaden insights into the challenges facing the profession. We want to not only empower designers but also business leaders to be a force for change. Our new Learning Solutions and Professional Development are one step in the process. We are creating these new resources to proactively position the design industry as the place for innovation.
Join us on this journey. Reach out to AIGA for more information on how our Learning Solutions can benefit your organization.
Interested in sponsoring a learning program with AIGA or to learn more about potential research collaborations?