NASAD and Accreditation
Thanks to the efforts of AIGA Medalist Meredith Davis, there are a number of valuable AIGA/NASAD briefing papers on various aspects of graphic design education directed towards a number of different audiences. These papers are posted below. The AIGA Design Educators Community steering committee is currently working on a AIGA/NASAD 2-Year Education briefing paper.
Briefing Papers
Making Choices About the Study of Graphic Design
This publication is intended to assist students in making choices among educational programs in graphic design. The text that follows is intended to help students consider the extent to which specific graphic design programs can accomplish their published goals and the clarity and accuracy of claims about career preparation.
General Education and Professional Undergraduate Programs in Graphic Design
This briefing paper discusses the role general education courses play in preparing undergraduate students for the expanding domain of graphic design.
Technology Thresholds in Graphic Design Programs
This briefing paper is intended to facilitate and enrich assessments of technological resources and instruction in college and university graphic design programs.
Selecting and Supporting Graphic Design Faculty
This briefing paper is intended to promote thoughtful assessments of faculty qualifications to teach graphic design, as well as issues that relate to faculty effectiveness.
National Association of Schools of Art and Design
Visit the NASAD site to learn more about how to become an accredited program.

Join the DEC
The AIGA Design Educators Community (DEC) seeks to enhance the abilities of design educators and educational institutions to prepare future designers for excellence in design practice, design theory and design writing at the undergraduate and graduate levels while supporting the fundamental mission of AIGA.
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