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The Health Insurance Paradox
What to Do If You Lose Yours or Don’t Have Any
Inspiration and Creativity

Which Typeface Are You, Really?
Reckon you’re a hip, young, variable thing—spontaneous and wild—but really, deep down, you’re an old, Modernist soul that likes everything in order? Think you stand out from the crowd, but in fact you’re a system font, touting yourself out there for all and sundry to use?

Who’s Your Design Crush?
Roses are #FF0000,
Violets are #0000FF.
Valentine’s Day is daft,
and this poem doesn’t rhyme.
Y’know what’s not daft, though? Love. Love is great. Find out who’s the serif to your sans—the Eye on Design love quiz will reveal your true inner passions!

Hot or Not? Test Your Graphic Design Trend IQ
What’s funnier than a joke that ends with a Comic Sans punchline? Just about anything. What’s steezier than a graphic designer dressed in all black with bright-white sneakers? We can think of a few things. Still getting all your inspo from dirt web Tumblrs? It might be time to refresh your feed.
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If you're not already participating and getting the support and good feels of your local AIGA, consider joining us. As the largest professional membership organization for design, AIGA offers you deep personal connections with neighbors in your community and across the nation.
Learn MoreSelf-Care
USDA Serves Nutrition Guidelines on a Plate
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) unveiled a new icon and social media campaign to educate Americans about good nutrition and health.
CDC: How Right Now
We have made it through so much. Sometimes we still feel stressed or anxious. Remind yourself that tomorrow is a new day that could bring new celebrations and challenges.